Importance of hand hygiene

Aug 25, 2021 post-image

Why is hand Washing so Important?

It’s a good idea to reiterate -Hand washing – wash your hands is the most effective way to prevent children from becoming sick and stop spreading bacteria.

What’s the best method to Clean Hands?

Here’s how you can scrub these germs out. Make sure to teach this to your children — or , even better clean your hands frequently to teach them the importance of this habit. is:

1. Cleanse your hands with clean, flowing drinking water (warm or cool). Be sure that the water isn’t hot enough for small hands.
2. Make use of soap and lather for around 20 seconds. Antibacterial soap isn’t required but any soap will work.
3. Be sure to take care to get between the fingers and on the back of your hands, and underneath the nails where germs are likely to hide. Don’t forget your wrists!
4. Dry and rinse thoroughly using a dry towel.

How Often Should We Clean Hands?

To prevent transmission of germs within your home, you should make frequent hand washing a routine for all. It is especially crucial:

– prior to eating and cooking.
– after having used the bathroom
– after you’ve cleaned the house after having cleaned the
– After touching pets, such as family pets
– prior to and following visits or caring for sick relatives or friends
– after blowing noses after coughing, sneezing, or blowing one’s nose
– After being outdoors (playing or gardening after a walk with the dog, etc.)

How can clean Hands Aid Health?

A clean, healthy hand is the most effective protection against the spread of many diseases ranging from common colds to more serious illnesses, like meningitis, bronchiolitis and the flu and Hepatitis A and various types of diarrhea.

How do germs spread?

Germs can be spread in a variety of ways, such as:
-touching dirty hands
-changing dirty diapers
-by contaminated food and water
-via droplets in the air through sneezes or coughs
-on surfaces that are contaminated
-by contact with bodily fluids of a

When children come into contact with germs, they may be infected by just touching their nose, eyes or mouth. Once they’re infected, it’s only an issue of time until everyone in the family is afflicted with the same disease.

Don’t undervalue the importance to wash your hands! The time you’ll spend in the sink can save visits to the doctor’s office.

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