Why is Chemical Free Products & Environment Important for your Furry Friend?

Aug 25, 2021 post-image

Why all the fuss about chemicals?

Lately, we find ourselves checking the ingredient list of personal care products to ensure that our face wash or shampoo is sulphate free, the cream or the lotion does not contain any paraben. We do that because we are now well aware of the harmful effects of these dreaded chemicals. Many households nowadays claim at least one four-legged friend as part of the family. Regular pet grooming is an important part of keeping your pet healthy. But did you know, your pets too are vulnerable to the harmful effects of chemicals present in their grooming products? Yes, that’s correct!

Pets are more vulnerable than people to exposure to toxins in and around the home. What we choose for them matters a lot as they are totally dependent on us for fulfilling their needs and wants. Since pets are smaller, they are closer to carpets, garage floors, lawns, and restricted spaces which may harbour chemical and pesticide residues. Their natural curiosity, coupled with a lack of awareness about toxic hazards, makes them more likely to encounter substances harmful to their health. Most pet owners go to great lengths to care for their pets, but there are unseen health hazards to pets which are commonly overlooked, yet easily avoidable.

Benefits to Natural Grooming Products:

The main benefit of the natural products for grooming is the positive effect they have on the well-being that your dog. Organic products don’t contain harmful chemicals that could cause harm to the delicate surface of the pet’s skin. Additionally, because of the natural elements found in the organic grooming products the skin of your pet will be less itchy, be more comfortable to snuggle and certainly smell nice.

Other benefits are:

1. There are fewer allergic reactions and fewer adverse reactions. Natural grooming products lower the chance of skin diseases and allergic reactions by providing your pet healthy, smooth, with soft, smooth skin.

2. A Stronger immune system for your pet As with human skin, your pet’s skin is the natural barrier it uses to protect itself from infections and viruses. You should take good care of its skin. With natural pet products that enhance your pet’s natural immune system. your pet. It is their skin , which is its primary defence against harmful substances and viruses that remain in the air all around us.

3. Healthy Skin and Coat Natural grooming products can be beneficial to overall wellbeing of your pet because they are free of preservatives , toxic chemicals or preservatives however, they do contain vital minerals and vitamins that have the potential to cause an immediate influence positively on the overall well-being that your animal.

Because natural products are free of any harmful chemicals or pesticides They will make grooming more enjoyable for your pet , by removing any discomfort or irritations that may occur to their delicate skin.

Better to Take the leap to organic pet Care Products

Why should you expose your beloved pet to the harmful effects of non-organic grooming products when the primary advantage from using natural products will be a longer and healthy existence for the pet, without any major health concerns?

Alongside the benefits of health and beauty Natural products for grooming are healthier for our environment as well. The harmful waste that results from the use of chemicals in conventional products for grooming is disposed into water bodies or land in the process, they pollute our air that we breathe as well as the water that we consume. But, the chemical compounds that are found in organic products made from natural ingredients are much less harmful than chemical compounds made by humans and can be easily broken down by the environment which keeps our ecosystem in an improved health level.

When a simple, healthy choice made by you can translate in a healthier quality of life for the pet and the planet, it’s essential that we make the step towards using natural products for grooming our pets to provide our pet with a healthy well, happy and healthy life both inside and out and provide Earth the love and attention it is due.

Clean life Solutions specializes in grooming requirements for cats, dogs, and rabbits, using organic, all-natural products. Rest sure that your pet is in safe hands. Contact our number and get your pet’s grooming products now!

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